Converting of integers and decimal fractions to base-36 numeral systemsThe program enables to convert numbers (including decimal fractions) between nu
Converting of integers and decimal fractions to base-36 numeral systems
The program enables to convert numbers (including decimal fractions) between number systems with bases from 2 to 36. Also, it is able to operate between 2 numbers in different number systems and outputs the result of addition / subtraction / multiplication / division. The program is very easy to use and has the opportunity to display the solution algorithm.
Main features:
★ Conversion of numbers up to hexatrigesimal system (base 36)
★ Display of solution algorithm available
★ Working with decimal fractions
★ Displaying the result during input when the option is on
★ Various themes available
★ Pleasant and comfortable interface
The program has 2 modes:
• Standard – conversion between standard numeral systems (native keyboard of the application is used)
• Extended – converting between all numeral systems up to base 36 (keyboard of the OS is used)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian